Solar Panel Overview
How They Work: Residential Solar Electricity Systems
The cost of residential solar panel systems has dropped 50% since 2014 (according to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy), and as a result, solar panels are becoming more and more popular as they become competitive with more conventional means of energy production. Of course, that also means that more insurance claims will be filed for these systems, and that increases the chances that a solar panel claim will come across the desks of insurance adjusters like you.
Solar systems are incredibly complex, and if you’re processing a solar power system or panel repair claim, you want to be sure that you’re handling it appropriately. If you’re not a solar power system expert, that’s okay! At StrikeCheck, our solar panel technicians have put together a practical guide to residential solar electricity systems designed for insurance adjusters like yourself. With it, you’ll learn:
- The basics of how these systems generate energy;
- The components that make up solar energy systems; and
- The common types of damage you may see with these systems.
Be more confident and accurate with your handling of solar power system claims. Get our guide, How They Work: Residential Solar Energy Systems, by filling out the provided form today.