Well Pump Schematic

Submersible Well Pump Diagram Of all the plumbing-related claims we saw here at StrikeCheck in 2018, 41% were well pump claims (StrikeCheck 2019 Annual Claims Report). As an insurance adjuster, these claims can hit your to-do list at any point, and when they do, you’ll need to have the basics of well pump design. This way, if a contractor sends you an estimate, you know what they’re talking about and what parts are in...

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Water Heater Schematic

More than three-fourths of the water heaters that the StrikeCheck team evaluates have tanks, even with the rise in use of tankless water heaters. If you get a contractor estimate and find yourself unsure of the water heater equipment mentioned, we can help. We’ve created an easy-to-read schematic with labeled components for both gas-fired water heaters and electric water heaters for your reference. It’s simple, straightforward, and designed specifically for insurance professionals like you. Fill out the form to get yours...

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Tankless Water Heater Diagram

Tankless water heaters are slowly becoming more common (Consumer Reports), and for good reason -- those who go tankless can save money on their utility bills since these water heaters don’t have the standby energy losses of their storage tank counterparts. Of course, with their rising popularity can come more claims, and you want to be ready for them.  If you’re not a water heater expert or if you haven’t come across...

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Generator Schematic

When a generator breaks, your customers may come to you with a claim to see if the repairs (or replacement) fall within their coverage. If you aren’t a generator expert, that estimate may be a bit confusing once it lands on your desk. You want to make sure it’s thorough and accurate, and you may need an easily referenced diagram to help.  Our StrikeCheck generator experts understand where you’re coming from and have put together a clear...

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