Essentials of Settling Water-Related HVAC Claims Webinar

The Essentials of Settling Water-Related HVAC Claims webinar has already occurred. You can watch the recording here

Floods, foundation leaks, sump pump failures, and roof leaks can cause major damages to homes and businesses. Among the items impacted are HVAC systems. By the end of the Essentials of Settling Water-Related HVAC Claims Webinar you’ll know about water’s impact to split systems, ductwork, and package units, among other components.

Topics include: 

  • The sources of water that result in HVAC system property claims
  • HVAC systems and components most commonly involved in water-related claims
  • Water-related damages and whether they could be repaired or replaced
  • Real-life water-related HVAC claim scenarios

Important: Pre-recorded webinars do not qualify for CE credit.

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