Hurricane Claims Kit – CJ – Web – D
As we’ve all noticed, the frequency and intensity of hurricanes has been steadily rising in recent years (Popular Science). This combined with the increased population along the U.S. coastline has lead to an increased risk of hurricane damage. In fact, according to CoreLogic’s Storm Surge Report, there are currently over 800,000 US residential properties at extreme risk (would be affected by a Category 1-5 hurricane) for storm surge damage. The report also estimates that there are over 20 million homes currently at risk for storm surge from a category 5 hurricane.
This increased risk illustrates the need for adjusters like you to prepare yourselves for handling claims for damage from a hurricane or tropical storm. To help, we’ve put together a kit of information and guides on electronics and specialty equipment and perils that typically accompany a hurricane or tropical storm. You can request your kit using the form to the right.