Refrigerator Claim Guide
Essential for modern food storage, refrigerators are the most commonly owned appliance in U.S. homes. As such, you’re likely to see them in claims at some point — in fact, 29% of the large appliance claims we saw at StrikeCheck in 2018 were for refrigerators (StrikeCheck 2019 Annual Claims Report). As an insurance adjuster, you’re not expected to be a fridge expert — and you don’t have to be — but you do want a basic knowledge of what to look for in these claims and how to accurate settle the claim so the insured is returned to pre-loss condition.
We want to make it a bit easier for you to determine the appropriate settlements for these claims, which is why we’ve created an easy-to-follow guide to refrigerators outlining the different types, additional features that impact LKQ, brands and costs, common failures, and repair vs. replace statistics. This guide is great for insurance adjusters like you to have on hand as a reference so that you can easily view this information whenever you need, making it easier for you to settle claims quickly and accurately.
Get on top of your refrigerator claims. Fill out the form to receive your copy of our Refrigerator Claim Guide.