Scary Story: Poking Holes in a Liability Claim
Adjusters represent the policyholder – whether it’s the homeowner who had an electronic sustain damage or the company being held liable for it. The latter was the case for this edition of Scary Story. Only the homeowner wasn’t claiming the company damaged just one item. There were dozens of computers, keyboards, audio equipment, and other electronics with a claimed replacement value of nearly $15,000.
Fill out the form to receive your copy of Scary Story: Poking Holes in a Liability Claim to see how many items StrikeCheck professionals reported as water damaged after an extensive and objective assessment. Take note of how the recommended settlement compared to the claimed amount based on market value pricing. If you are working on a claim with a similar situation and are representing either the homeowner with the damaged equipment or the company being held liable, check out StrikeCheck’s assessment options to ensure an accurate resolution.
Don’t miss our other Scary Story – Wire on Fire!